ReliabilityEfficiencyTime-savingDigitalizationAntea Group: ‘We have the domain knowledge, great software in TerraIndex and the expertise to take ideas further’

Antea Group: ‘We have the domain knowledge, great software in TerraIndex and the expertise to take ideas further.’

Coert Ruseler is Director of Environment, Safety & Health at Antea Group Nederland. Together with his colleagues, he works daily to create a safer and healthier environment. Soil research plays an important role in this – as does the partnership with TerraIndex 

‘We have the domain knowledge, great software in TerraIndex and the expertise to take ideas further.’

Making the Netherlands a little more beautiful
‘Antea Group was founded 70 years ago in Oranjewoud by the Bosma brothers. The beautiful villa in which the company was then located is still used as a meeting centre today. Antea Group now has offices all over the world.

In the Netherlands, we work with 1,500 employees, divided among various divisions. We all have the same mission: To make the Netherlands a little more beautiful every day. As Director of Environment, Health & Safety, I work together with my colleagues to create a safer and healthier environment.’

Antea Group continues to challenge itself
To constantly improve our services and processes, Antea Group continues to challenge itself in the areas of innovation, sustainability, visibility and people. Using a 1001-day plan, we take concrete steps that contribute to our mission.

For example, we plan to organise the longest drone flight ever, of no less than 750 kilometres. We also bought a forest in the south of the country where we are investigating how we can promote nature restoration and improve the living environment with the help of technology and artificial intelligence. TerraIndex plays an important role in this.’

Far-reaching process optimisation
‘Undertaking environmental soil investigations is of great importance to us. The collaboration with TerraIndex started some 25 years ago, when the company was still called IT Works. At that time, we were still using pen and paper to carry out the entire soil investigation. The TerraIndex software has ensured far-reaching process optimisation: from the fieldworker to the interior consultant and from the management to the delivery. The subsequent switch to the web version has also greatly helped us to reduce administration costs.

TerraIndex continues to develop its software together with its customers. We have the domain knowledge, great software in TerraIndex and the expertise to take ideas further. Antea Group is also working closely with TerraIndex to develop new functionalities, such as an algorithm for mixing samples and a link to the Smart Helmet.’

Algorithm for mixing samples
Multiple samples are taken in the field and need to be mixed correctly in order to perform a reliable analysis. Selecting representative samples, figuring out the right ratios and the corresponding rules takes a lot of time. A colleague came up with the idea of developing an algorithm based on a large number of previously performed mixing processes.

We pitched this idea to TerraIndex, after which our staff and the TerraIndex team worked together for a year to develop the idea further. Samples can now be imported, after which the algorithm automatically indicates the correct composition. This makes the process a lot smarter and more efficient. ‘

Smart Helmet & artificial intelligence
‘Another example of a collaborative project is the use of a Smart Helmet and the deployment of artificial intelligence. Our field workers wear a Smart Helmet which is used to make observations of the environment. By linking these observations to the data entered by the field worker, drilling profiles can eventually be automatically registered and recognised. This development also provides opportunities for a wonderful interface with TerraIndex.

These kinds of collaborations are really exciting and I really believe in them. Both parties have their own expertise. By combining this expertise and complementing each other’s strengths – instead of trying to do everything themselves – something really powerful is created.’

A nice company to work with
I would definitely recommend the TerraIndex software to foreign colleagues. From an international perspective, it can be very interesting to work with the same data structure. This can provide valuable insights, offering scope for more joint innovations.

TerraIndex delivers smarter and more efficient processes which can yield many benefits in terms of quality and time savings.

TerraIndex isn’t a huge company, which ensures great cooperation and short lines of communication. It’s a nice company with pleasant and professional people, who are always open to feedback and discussions.‘

TerraIndex software bodemonderzoek soil investigation automation automatisering

TerraIndex has been an expert in the field of automation, standardisation and chain integration of soil survey for more than 25 years. With the TerraIndex software, the entire process – from fieldwork to reporting – can be carried out quickly, safely and accurately.


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