Bodembemonstering B.V.: “What TerraIndex offers, no other program does; it’s very comprehensive.”

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Bodembemonstering B.V. is a company specialized in all aspects of soil research. With experienced founders Kevin Mulder and Jordy Schipper, Bodembemonstering B.V. offers an extensive range of services throughout the Netherlands, catering to both small and large projects. The team consists of the two founders, and they prioritize thorough and affordable soil research with clear communication.   

‘What TerraIndex offers, no other program does; it’s very comprehensive.’

Bodembemonstering B.V. is a company specialized in all aspects of soil research. With experienced founders Kevin Mulder and Jordy Schipper, Bodembemonstering B.V. offers an extensive range of services throughout the Netherlands, catering to both small and large projects. The team consists of the two founders, and they prioritize thorough and affordable soil research with clear communication.

After years of working in the soil sector, Kevin Mulder and Jordy Schipper felt that the time was right to start their own venture. In December 2022, they founded Bodembemonstering. Having worked for previous employers, they were already familiar with TerraIndex. Jordy had experience with the program from the field, while Kevin used it from the office.

TerraIndex was utilized by almost every employer, and satisfaction with it was high. This quickly led to the decision to adopt this software. The user-friendliness and efficiency of TerraIndex were key factors in this choice.

What sets TerraIndex apart is its unparalleled comprehensiveness. The input options for field observations are extensive. Different assessments can be conducted quickly, providing a rapid overview of the situation. Additionally, TerraIndex is compatible with other formats, such as .xml, which greatly streamlines work.

A noteworthy aspect of TerraIndex is that the reports generated within the software can often be copied directly into the customer’s report. This saves valuable time and effort, making TerraIndex an extremely cost-effective choice for Bodembemonstering B.V.

TerraIndex software bodemonderzoek soil investigation automation automatisering

TerraIndex has been an expert in the field of automation, standardisation and chain integration of soil survey for more than 25 years. With the TerraIndex software, the entire process – from fieldwork to reporting – can be carried out quickly, safely and accurately.


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