Time-savingDigitalizationReliabilityEfficiencySerpol France:’Digitalization is important, it is part of our times’

Serpol TerraIndex software digitalisering automatisering bodemonderzoek

Since 1983, SERPOL has been helping its customers solve environmental problems in different areas, with the latest technological innovations. SERPOL employs 200 people, spread over 11 subsidiaries in France and Spain.

‘Digitalization is important, it is part of our times’.

Before we digitized our research process, we had to fill out a lot of paperwork on site. Unfortunately, information was sometimes lost, with unpleasant consequences. In the office, we had to re-enter data from the field into Excel, and we did find errors. We ended up spending twice as much time entering data, and the chances of errors were higher.

A few years ago, we started the digitization process throughout the company. Saving time and minimizing the chance of errors were the main reasons for management to digitize the research process.

We chose TerraIndex because of its ease of use and playful design. Data is easy to enter both in the office and in the field. The TerraIndex team is easy to reach and provides good support in implementing the software. Questions are answered quickly and the software is adapted to our working methods and protocols within the French market. With TerraIndex, we had a good feeling from the beginning: they did not just act as sellers of software, but were immediately an extension of our organization.

Because the field can easily connect with the office, we can make data transparent much faster. The engineer receives the data as soon as the drilling is finished. The fieldworker can also easily request missing information if necessary, after which the data is immediately synchronized in the app. We can also request analyses from laboratories more quickly, partly because samples have already been scanned in the field. We are still in the rollout phase and have just started using TerraIndex, but are sure that TerraIndex will help us save a lot of time in the research process.

Digitalization is important, it is part of our times: we are getting more and more information, which needs to be processed faster and faster. TerraIndex will enable us to work more efficiently and better.

TerraIndex software bodemonderzoek soil investigation automation automatisering

TerraIndex has been an expert in the field of automation, standardisation and chain integration of soil survey for more than 25 years. With the TerraIndex software, the entire process – from fieldwork to reporting – can be carried out quickly, safely and accurately.


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