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TerraIndex: Mixture toxicity and interactions: A complex affair

There is a quote attributed to the medieval scientist Paracelcus: “Only the dose makes the poison” (Latin: dosis sola facit venenum), pointing out that every parameter can be toxic, as long as it is present in the right dose. This might sound odd, but the fact is that this dose for parameters that we don’t see as toxic for our health is just very high. Even water can be toxic, because if we drink too much of it (keyword: too), the heart will be unable to continue to pump. Within environmental research some groups of hazardous parameters are analysed so that an assessment can be made to conclude if exposure to these parameters is a danger to our health. However in these assessments we usually look at one parameter and one threshold at a time. Reality is a little more complex than that.

TerraIndex automating soil survey - A search for data

This article was written by Roelof Zwaan, environmental expert at TerraIndex. The preliminary examination is an important part of environmental research. The outcome of the preliminary examination determines the subsequent survey: what will be surveyed, where will the survey take place and how will the survey be carried out? The results of a preliminary examination...

TerraIndex software bodemonderzoek soil investigation automation automatisering

Not only are we busy with the development of our software, but also the website has recently been given a refresh. Therefore, we proudly present the new website of TerraIndex. The current website is more in line with what we want to convey as a company. We have ensured that information about our product is clearly displayed. It is also easy for a visitor to navigate to relevant information. "Searching for interesting news items or events has also been simplified. As with the development of our software, the website is also user-centered." The development of the website is certainly not finished yet. We are currently working on the creation of a short film that will clarify who we are, what the product does and what we can mean for customers in their (field) work. So keep an eye on our website for the latest updates on TerraIndex and our product.

TerraIndex software bodemonderzoek soil investigation automation automatisering

Not only are we busy with the development of our software, but also the website has recently been given a refresh. Therefore, we proudly present the new website of TerraIndex. The current website is more in line with what we want to convey as a company. We have ensured that information about our product is...

TerraIndex software bodemonderzoek soil investigation automation automatisering

TerraIndex has been an expert in the field of automation, standardisation and chain integration of soil survey for more than 25 years. With the TerraIndex software, the entire process – from fieldwork to reporting – can be carried out quickly, safely and accurately.


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