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Meet us at Pollutec ! From October 10th to 13th, we will be at Pollutec showcasing our latest developments and features. Curious if TerraIndex can make a difference for you? Book a non-committal meeting with us at Pollutec ! We will take the time to answer all your questions, provide live demos, and let you...

Message specifically for TerraIndex Application Managers: As of August 1, old TerraIndex login accounts will no longer work. This has not been possible in TerraIndex Web since November, but it was still possible on the tablet App. From August 1, this will no longer be possible! If you continue working with an old account after August 1, there is a risk of data loss. Click on Read more to see how you can check whether this is also happening within your company and whether you still need to take action. Thank you in advance for cooperation!

It has been a while since the last weekly update. This is mainly because we have been working hard to prepare Streamline for its first test, and on the backend, we are preparing updates to ensure the stability of our application. However, there have been some bug fixes and one assessment released in the past few weeks. These are briefly outlined below: Assessment:
  • The Vlarem 2.3.1 for Rivers and Lakes has been added under the Belgian assessments.
  • In specific cases, there could be some strange behavior with the export of Organotin substances to BoToVa. This has been resolved.
  • Some Spanish and French translations have been improved in various areas of the application.
  • The BRO-GT Exporter now exports description quality 3 when no samples have been taken in the project.
  • The right-click menu for photos and layers did not always work correctly.
  • After duplicating a measurement point, sometimes the code lists would not load.
  • After deleting a specific item, it was possible to end up on a blank page.
We will be more consistent with the weekly updates and hope to deliver some exciting functionality to you soon! More news messages can be found on the wiki!

This week we have been working on the Borelogs, DOV Export, and Sub-locations in the app. Borelogs:

  • The problem of multiple commas appearing in the BZBs and missing commas in the soil type text has been fixed.
  • The bug that only the BOPB of the first monitoring well was displayed when this label was used has been fixed.
  • Two measurement point labels have been added to the borehole profile settings:
    • Ambient air temperature
    • Weather conditions
DOV Export:
  • The Informal stratigraphy element is no longer created empty if a lithographic stratigraphy can be created.
  • The altitude is now rounded to 2 decimal places.
Next steps for DOV include supporting altitude and coordinate precision as a field in TerraIndex and including them in the export. Sub-locations in the app: It has been possible to fill in Sub-locations in TerraIndex web for some time now, but recently this can also be done in the app. Starting from version 1.49.0. For now, this is only available in the Windows app. The iOS app will follow. For more news messages, visit our wiki!

A column with the numerical name has been added in the Tables view at the Measurement points. It extracts only the numbers from the measurement point name. This allows you to sort better in certain cases (eg if you want to have measuring points such as B01 and PB01 together). To use this field, go to the Column Selector button in the Table Views. Here you can enable the new field (at the very bottom). Then you can drag the new column to the desired position.

TerraIndex software bodemonderzoek soil investigation automation automatisering

TerraIndex has been an expert in the field of automation, standardisation and chain integration of soil survey for more than 25 years. With the TerraIndex software, the entire process – from fieldwork to reporting – can be carried out quickly, safely and accurately.


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